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Yogurt... All Day Every Day!

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

Yogurt is a style of fermented milk. It has many benefits and contains healthful bacteria to help your gut thrive. Making it and fermenting it yourself is the best way to bet maximum benefits and quality taste.


  • Whole Plain Yogurt (pasteurized) or Yogurt from Previous Batch

  • Whole Milk (pasteurized)


1. Heat Pasteurized milk up to 180 degrees Fahrenheit (slowly while stirring constantly) - Which denatures the protein to give it a thick final texture.

2. Let it sit for 30 minutes at that temperature and then submerge the pot in a bowl of cold water.

3. While the milk slowly cools, ( but not below 115 degrees) prepare a cooler with water that is about 110-115 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Remove the milk from the pot before it cools below 120 degrees, and stir in 1tsp of starter per quart of milk.

5. Add your milk into sealed jars and place into the cooler with the water.

- Make sure the milk isn't floating, but sitting still in the cooler

6. Let the cooler sit for 8-24 hours, depending upon how tart you like your yogurt.

  • If the cooler is unavailable, you can place your jars of milk once they've cooled down to just above 115 degrees, in a Dutch oven or in a dehydrator over night!

Making Yogurt with Sandor Katz


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